Hodel in Fiddler on the Roof, 2019/2021

In 2019 and 2021 Isabel Schwartzbach played the role of Hodel in Det Ny Teater’s (Copenhagen, Denmark) production of Fiddler on the Roof. A part for which she received acclaim and accolades such as the Inge Dam’s Grant for Young, Promising Actors, bestowed by legendary actor Per Pallesen.

Isabel Schwartzbach, who plays the daughter Hodel, astounds with a world-class singing voice
— Veckotidningen.se
Isabel Schwartzbach sings with an angelic soprano as she says goodbye to her childhood home, Anatevka
— Henrik Palle, Politiken

Far From The Home I Love, Isabel Schwartzbach. The PR video belongs to Det Ny Teater 2019.

Read the full review from Veckotidningen.se (Swedish) and Politiken (Danish)